The Importance of Quality Supplements
As I dealt with diagnoses like infertility, anxiety, depression and all of my conventional medical tests came back totally normal, I dove head first into holistic healing remedies. Knowing that there is great power in nutrition, I started exploring supplements, vitamins, herbs, and minerals. However, what I didn’t realize was that without the proper guidance from a skilled practitioner, I was inadvertently doing more harm than good. I found myself taking a plethora of poor quality supplements that were not bioavailable. The quantity was far more than my body actually needed and the ingredients led to extensive detox needs.
Understanding Frequency Medicine
Over the past 4 years, I’ve been blessed to work with two amazing Nutrition Response Practitioners. Through muscle testing, they provide a targeted approach to address the root causes of health issues. This has been pivotal in my healing journey. Through this method, I was able to identify underlying issues such as parasites, fungus overgrowth, and dormant viruses and bacteria that had been silently wreaking havoc on my body systems and organs.
Best Supplements
When it comes to supplements, my preferred brand has been Standard Process. Their commitment to quality is evident through their farming practices and rigorous quality control processes. They utilize organic, sustainably sourced, whole food ingredients and have been around since 1929. Read more about them here.
By partnering with a practitioner who utilizes nutrition response testing, I can confidently take the right supplements to support my healing while avoiding excess that could hinder my progress. For anyone seeking guidance on their journey, I highly recommend consulting with Cherish Hearn at Align: Mind Body Soul to get started!